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General information

The "My History" program aims to project historical evidence in direct connection to the persons that contributed in its creation, safeguarded it and decided to present it through the work "Cultural and Genealogical Digital Collection of Central Macedonia" so that it can become part of our cumulative memory and contribute to the growth our family and historical memory.

The witnesses offer their own evidence which they themselves have invested with meaning that can be understood and mobilize the visitors of our webpages rationally and emotionally. The objective of the program is not to simply collect and present pictures, but to communicate with history on the occasion of the picture and the words that it is accompanied by.

Everyone can participate in the "My History" program. Old photographs, documents, objects of daily use and ephemera, constitute precious evidence in the framework of the program independent of their economic or artistic value because they are connected to the historical experience and the memories of their owners. Each object has a story of its own and brings to mind memories that escape the everyday use and even the existence of the evidence. Most suitable to speak about these experiences and memories are those who are directly involved in them, that is why we invite all those who have contributed evidence, to offer a personal statement or interview that presents the piece of evidence and explains its importance to them and what it possibly brings to mind.

The evidence remains in the possession of the contributors who either create digital copies and send them to the Genealogy Department themselves, or give them -temporarily- to our researchers who undertake the task of digitally copying them and complementing them with the contributor´s interview or description. You can participate in the program from a distance too, by uploading the digital copy from the special page of our web portal Submit evidence.

The important and innovative element of the program is that we are all able to participate in the creation of a historical internet exhibition, not by just granting certain objects, but by complementing the object with our written text or with an audiovisual interview. In their internet presentation, these pieces of historical evidence are accompanied by a short title and a more extensive caption that present the postdata of the object, information on their creation and their historical course, and attempt a link to the historical events or the frame in which the personal objects are turned into historical evidence.

The presentation of evidence is supplemented with interviews that can be listened to at the same time with the display of evidence or can be read from the text files that complement the multimedia content of the exhibition.