Short descriptionSuggest an informantTerms of useLegal statement Testimonies submittersRefugees´ testimoniesDescendants´ testimonies District web pagesOther projects web pagesGenealogy web pagesOral history web pagesPublic history web pages Aqcuisition of testimonies Glossary


Terms of use

To keep record a person or to include their testimony in the Project and the Testimonies Archive of the Genealogy Department of the FHW, it is necessary that the informant wishes to record their experience on one of the available means, that is, as a written text, audiotaped or videotaped interview. Also, the informant, or witness, or the person who submits an autobiography, must be able to take responsibility for their actions and be in the physical and mental position to make unhindered decisions.

For all information or wording, the responsibility lies with the witness who must avoid offensive remarks and misleading reports, as well as racist statements or biased comments against individuals or groups of people. Nevertheless, the FHW is committed to faithfully keeping in its archives any expression, and to place it at the disposal of its researchers and of the general public, when necessary.

However, our priority regarding our webpages is to mainly project -with the informants´ consent- those extracts that do not cause conflicts and problems. In order for a testimony to be presented and included in the archives the informant should express their wish in writing through the legal statement that is found in our pages.